Key Considerations for Laboratory Moving | The Quality Group

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Key Considerations for Laboratory Moving

Laboratories provide researchers and medical professionals the space needed for investigating germs, viruses, cures for cancer, and many other critical scientific research functions. As the world of science continues to broaden its horizons, more and more labs will need additional space to conduct their research. Decommissioning one lab and moving to a larger one requires a lot of planning and care. Nobody wants to lose years of research due to poor planning!

You don’t have to skip a beat in your research plans when you hire the experts at The Quality Group for your next laboratory moving event. Our staff dedicates their professional lives to ensuring our clients get the best service possible.

Keep these Considerations in Mind before Moving Your Laboratory

It might be exciting but also a bit nerve-wracking to relocate your lab. The difference is in how you prepare for the move. When planning, keep these considerations in mind:

  1. Focus on the Details: Nothing can be left unchecked. This is years, possibly decades, of research at stake. It’s irreplaceable. Your best bet in making this transition as smooth as possible is to hire a professional laboratory moving company like The Quality Group.
  2. Depend on a Project Manager: When your expertise is in research, why spend precious time managing move? A project manager can handle the relocation’s planning, preparation, and logistics so you and your team can continue to focus on your research activities.
  3. Understand the Challenges: You need to understand the new environment in which your lab is moving. What will be shared equipment? Will there be proper mechanical, electrical, and plumbing infrastructures in place? How do you know your specimens will be handled correctly?

Simple Suggestions to Ease the Transition

Knowing what you are up against with your new location is a significant factor in a successful move. Here are four tips to help you with this transition:

  1. Determine Your Internal Team: Decide who will be involved with the move. Yes, everyone is affected, but assigning certain team members specific tasks can be integral to a successful move.
  2. Identify a Backup Freezer: Some laboratories have specimens that must be kept in cold storage. If something goes awry during the move, having a backup freezer will save you time and reduce the stress of losing valuable assets.
  3. Hire a Qualified Company to Move Sensitive Equipment: Not everyone is qualified to move sensitive lab equipment. Don’t risk losing thousands of dollars and countless hours because you hired amateurs or a general handyman service.
  4. Chain of Command Matters: It’s common to have a chain-of-command system in place for everyday activities. It’s even more vital during a move, including having an escort.

Rely on an Experienced Laboratory Moving Company

Choose The Quality Team for your next medical, pharmaceutical, or research laboratory move. We have the experience to handle your unique moving needs. Experience outstanding service from the first contact and leave the rest of your move to us. Don’t leave years of research to chance.

Call The Quality Group at 833-756-0103 to learn more about our laboratory moving service. Contact us online or stop by one of our offices in Jackson, MS, New Orleans, and Baton Rouge, LA, to get a free quote.