Moving Your Office During the Holidays | The Quality Group

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Moving Your Office During the Holidays

The holidays bring joy and good will but it can also bring stress. Family comes to visit, stores get crowded and cold and flu season runs rampant. On top of all that, your office is being relocated and it is putting additional strain on you and your employees.

Moving offices over the holidays is never an ideal situation, but business goes on and the move ultimately needs to happen. Forming a plan will help everything run more smoothly and will be the key to a successful move. To avoid unpredicted obstacles, follow these tips and you’ll be in your new office in no time at all.

Getting ready to move while celebrating the holidaysMove during the slow week

Many people take off the week between December 25 and January 1 to travel and spend time with family and friends. That means that week will likely be a slow week for you and your company, and a great opportunity for you to move your office without losing business and creating a hectic atmosphere for you and your employees.

Plan with the holiday in mind

Those few important days that are especially important are the ones that you don’t want to miss out on because of an appointment with the movers.  Start planning the move early so you get the dates you want with the moving company. Then set up an organized day-by-day plan of everything that needs to be accomplished and stick to it.

Tell your clients about the move

Calling and telling the customer about the moveAnnounce to your clients that you will be relocating to a new office. Tell them when you will be officially up and running in the new place so they don’t go searching for you at the previous office. It is also important that you let them know if there will be any downtime on your end while moving so they can plan accordingly to minimize the effects. You can even incorporate the announcement of your move into your company holiday card to give it a festive touch.

Moving during the holidays may not be an ideal situation, but it doesn’t have to be an unpleasant experience. Take the time to plan out the best plan for you and your company for a smooth transition and remember to take time to relax and enjoy the holidays.