Post-Move Checklist For Your Company | Post-Move Business Checklist | The Quality Group

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Post-Move Checklist for Your Company

Post-Move Checklist, checklist after your move your business, business moving baton rouge

Moving to a new office can be a positive sign that your business is growing. All the time spent planning and preparing for the move can be overwhelming but moving to a new location where your company can continue to grow and thrive makes it all worth it in the end. Even after the move is complete, there are still many things to do, especially the couple days directly following the relocation. Make sure you have everything covered for your business with this moving checklist so everything runs smoothly after the move. You’ll need a post-move checklist for your company, or you’ll run into all sorts of preventable problems!

Follow this Post-Move Checklist to Avoid Future Problems with Clients and Associates

Distribute Employee Packets

Making sure your employees can access the new office should be at the top of your moving list. Distribute the moving packets to your employees the day of the move with their new passcodes, keycards, desk locations, and parking spots so they have easy access on the first day.

Check Equipment

Directly following a move, assign the task of checking all equipment to your IT department. Include all electronics in the check such as computers, printers, phones, and projectors. Check any other specialty equipment to guarantee that it is working properly. You don’t want to have a client in your office a week after the move and have a technical malfunction occur in the middle of the meeting.

Remove Unnecessary Furniture and Equipment

After the office is arranged for optimal efficiency, you can arrange to have any excess furniture and equipment removed, including furniture from your previous office that doesn’t work with the new furniture. To avoid having any unneeded equipment, you can store, donate, sell, or throw away any excess. You’ll want to do this relatively soon after you move so the office is not crowded and uncomfortable.

Update MaterialsUpdate website information after your move, Post-Move Checklist for Your Company

Double-checking all business materials with the company’s contact information is one of the most important assignments to perform after a move. Do not leave any platform untouched because you don’t want to confuse your clients or customers. Change the contact information on your website and social media accounts, print new brochures and fliers, and reorder all your business cards for consistency.

Know the Area

Mapping out the new area will be critical when making appointments with associates and clients. Knowing traffic conditions, back roads, and transit options will be the difference between being on time for a meeting and not. You can also get a list of appropriate business lunch locations and their busy hours for future reference.

Contact Associates and Clients

Send out a reminder to all your clients and associates about your new location within a few days of the company’s move to prevent future confusion. Contact your clients, the cleaning company, your delivery company, and the USPS. You can confirm that they have your new address so meetings, services, and deliveries still happen and arrive on time.

File any Complaints

Once everything is unpacked and assessed you’ll need to file any complaints and insurance claims with the moving company if any equipment was damaged. If you notice something damaged, it is important to address it immediately to ensure accurate reports and claims.

Leave a Review

Leaving a review of the moving company can wait until a few days after the move. But, it should be done before the week is out. This is another place you can express your concerns and questions with the service. It can also help others make a decision about the company if you had a good experience.

Post-Move Checklist PDF Printout

After you move into the new office, don’t just relax or get back to your normal routine as soon as possible. Make sure you’ve covered your bases. To avoid problems in the future, however, you should keep everything in order. Tell everyone associated with your company where you are, and update all materials. Run through this checklist after your relocation to ensure your business runs smoothly going forward.

Let The Quality Group Take Care of the Move

At The Quality Group, we’re your commercial relocation specialists. We’ve been in operation for more than 30 years, starting in New Orleans. We offer comprehensive business moving services from move planning to furniture installation. And, we want to ensure that you’re post-move goes just as well as your move. We’ll handle the move and even advise on the post-move checklist for your business!