Your New Office can Make Your Employees More Productive | The Quality Group

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How Your New Office Can Make Your Employees More Happy, Motivated and Productive


Moving is exciting for your business. You look forward to things like bigger office spaces, more storage areas, and maybe a better location. But, along with these things, we’re going to give you something else to look forward to: improved employee productivity.

Maybe your new office has bigger offices for employees. With more space, come more areas for storage and organization. If your employees have bigger offices and more places to put important files, documents and office supplies, then desk clutter can be quickly eliminated.

A cluttered desk may not seem like a big deal, but it is. Let’s put it this way, if your employee is on the phone with a client and the client asks for information that’s located in a particular file, time spent searching for the file will increase if your employee is searching through mounds of disorganized papers. Not only does this lead to wasted time, it also leads to a stressed out employee. With more space and organization, your employee will be able to quickly locate the client file (without stress) and get the information needed to the customer. If files and other important documents are organized and easily accessible in the new larger office space, your employees will spend less time searching for the file, less time stressing and more time engaging with the customer and getting what needs to be done, done.





In an article by Forbes, they write about ways a disorganized workplace leads to stress and not a lot of productivity. “80% of what we perceive or experience is based upon the visual sense of our environment,” said Sherry Burton Ways, interior designer, color therapist and author. If our environment is cluttered and disorganized, Ways said this can slow down mental energy and make work even more difficult.

A new office also gives your employees a chance to refresh, redecorate and redesign their spaces. Believe it or not, doing these things adds more productivity to your employees’ workday.

Forbes suggests reworking office layouts, changing out lighting and adding personal touches to your office reduces workplace stress. And reducing stress makes for a happier and more productive office.

When your business moves, your employees have a chance to redesign their offices to create more organized and stress free spaces. By making small changes in your new office, a stressful work environment is eliminated, and a more productive environment is implemented.





Work with The Quality Group

At The Quality Group, we’re your commercial relocation specialists. Founded in 1987 in New Orleans, LA, The Quality Group serves the Gulf States with comprehensive commercial moving services from move planning to furniture installation. No other company puts in the time or preparation that we do to make your move stress and hassle-free.