You started a small business and are about to move into a new space. You’re wondering how you can make the most of your new office space. You want it to be practical and functional, but you don’t know where to start. We’ve compiled a few tips so that you can make the most out of your small office space.
First things first, assess your new office space. What are the sizes of each room? Are there large open spaces? Big windows? Does the space have any restrictions from the landlord? Ask these questions and get answers so that you can best plan out your new space.
If you have a commercial moving company helping you out with your office move, they may be able to help you answer some of these questions. Your space needs to function for you and your business operations. So, think about what you want each room in your space to be functional for. Do you want a collaboration room? Break room? Individual offices? After you figure out how you want your space to function, talk to your commercial mover. They should be able to help you plan out where your furniture and equipment should go so that you can maximize office productivity and make use of your space.
We also suggest looking into modular furniture as an option for your small office. With this type of furniture, you can easily take apart, put together and rearrange workstations to fit your particular need. Modular furniture is good for small spaces because it can help you optimize your space. If you decide to look into this type of furniture, make sure to talk to your commercial movers to see if they are able to install it.
Storage is another thing you’ll need to think about when trying to maximize your small offices’ space. You’re going to have a lot of office supplies, maybe extra furniture and other items that you’ll need to store. If you don’t need these items in-house, consider putting the items in storage, especially if it’s furniture. For the items you do need to have in your office on a daily basis, make sure to have the items organized. Disorganization will only lead to clutter that will take up space. Purchasing decorative storage bins or purchasing office furniture with a lot of storage capabilities will help keep your office organized, and help you maximize your office space.
You also need to think about the visual impact you want your office to have. Do you want your employees and visitors to be wowed when they walk in? Of course you do. Consider painting some walls to add a little character to your space. Painting is an easy and great way to make your small space stand out.
Just because you have a small office space doesn’t mean it won’t be functional. You just have to make sure to plan everything out so you’re using your space to its full advantage. Talk to your commercial mover and come up with a strategy to help you configure your space into the office of your dreams.
Work with The Quality Group
At The Quality Group, we’re your commercial relocation specialists. Founded in 1987 in New Orleans, LA, The Quality Group serves the Gulf States with comprehensive commercial moving services from move planning to furniture installation. No other company puts in the time or preparation that we do to make your move stress and hassle-free.