Tag: creating a moving plan

How to Create an Office Moving Plan

In office relocations, there are a lot of moving parts, literally. How do you keep track of them? The truth is, it’s tough and you’re going to need all hands on deck, but with these few small suggestions, moving can be a little easier.

A ruler sitting on a blue printTo ensure a safe, smooth and overall excellent move, you’ll need to have a plan of action. This plan should help you map out your goals for the move, help you prioritize what needs to get done and also help you delegate tasks to your employees. Having an action plan will also help you critically think about your move and problem solve ahead of time.

To begin your moving plan, look at what your big goal for the relocation is. What’s your budget and timeline? And although you don’t want to think about this, you need to ask yourself what problems could potentially occur. That way, you’ll be better prepared if and when problems arise. Figure these things out so you have them in writing and can stick to them, and not forget what you originally intended.

Once you have your big goals planned out, it’s time to get down to smaller more detail-oriented goals. These are small tasks that need to get done at any point during the move. It could be cleaning out the break room fridge or creating an email to blast out to customers notifying them about your move. Whatever the tasks may be, and no matter how small, write them down so you can make sure even the tiniest details are covered.

A man presenting in an officeThe next part of your move plan should be to assign tasks to various employees. Whether you break the tasks up for teams of employees, or individuals, make sure to delegate all tasks with a timeframe in which they are to be done. If you give more than one task to a group of employees, make sure to tell them the order of importance the tasks should be completed, that way your move can be streamlined and everything gets done on time.

This move action plan will take some time and thought, but at the end of the day, and at the end of your move, you’ll be happy you did it. It forces you to think about every last detail and every potential problem, that way nothing that comes your way will surprise you.