Category: Commercial Relocation

The Official Guide To The Commercial Moving Industry in 2018

commercial moving industry in 2018

A Move in 2018 is Drastically Different from a Move in 1987

We’ve been in the commercial moving game since 1987, and we’ve seen some changes over the years within the industry. From technological advances to packing methods, we’ve adapted to the changes and surpassed the trends to develop an efficient moving process for you. While it may not seem like improvements have been made in the moving industry, we’ve spotted several that affect your 2018 moving experience.

2018 Relocation Company Options

Other relocation companies, both small and large, have started up throughout the 30 years we’ve been in business. While The Quality Group moves any sized business, other relocation companies tend to focus on providing their services to either small or large businesses based on their capabilities.  No matter their capabilities, the increased number of relocation companies provide businesses with different options when relocating. For businesses needing to move, the additional moving companies offer plenty of options to choose from.

Research is easier now with computers. The Official Guide To The Commercial Moving Industry in 2018Better Vetting Systems in 2018

With the additional moving company options came better ways to ensure that you hired one that was qualified. Researching websites for service information, checking online reviews, and asking for recommendations all became part of hiring a relocation company process in 2017. The more accessible information now helps businesses choose and qualify a moving company before they hire them.

Innovative Moving Methods

Moving companies all have their own process that helps businesses relocate in the most efficient way possible. For The Quality Group, we have developed our own streamlined process that minimizes company downtime and takes into account all aspects of your business relocation needs.

From storing your equipment to installing your furniture in the new office, The Quality Group provides every service you may need during your relocation. Our process involves move planning and management so everything is accounted for during your move. We even calculate how many elevator trips it will take to move you to the top floor.

Moving in 2017 is more efficient wit cell phone communication, commercial moving in 2018Better Moving Equipment in 2018

The first hand-held cell phone debuted in 1983, and it wasn’t until the late 1990s that cell phones became accessible to the public. Moving companies are now able to adapt more quickly to changes in plans and problems thanks to the communication benefits of cell phones.

In addition to communication advancement, moving companies now have access to better packing supplies, loading tools, and shipment vehicles. The new technology and equipment that relocation companies have access to provide you with a better moving experience that takes less time and is more efficient.

In our 30 years of moving experience, we have seen moving trends come and go and technological advances change the moving industry. The industry is better in 2017 than it ever has been and will continue to improve in the coming years to bring businesses better relocation experiences.

Work with The Quality Group

At The Quality Group, we’re focused on being leaders in the Commercial Moving Industry in 2018, just as we have been for every year since being founded. We’re a leader in the industry because we take the details seriously, focus on putting together an incredible staff, and emphasize customer service. Our commercial moving specialists operate out of offices in Jackson, Mississippi, New Orleans, and Baton Rouge, but we’re able to handle projects throughout Louisiana and Mississippi.

Organizing a Company Move as a New Hire: 5 Steps to Plan a Move

Hired to Organize a Company Move - 5 Steps to Plan a Company Move

As a relatively new hire, you are ready to help the company accomplish their day-to-day goals. You were surprised, however, to be asked to plan the business’ relocation to a new building. It’s a large task and the last thing you want to do is get something wrong. Begin your business move research here and find out how to plan a business relocation as a new hire in five easy steps. A company move does not have to be a difficult undertaking.

Plan an Impressively Organized Company Move as a New Hire with These 5 Steps

  1. Get the Moving Facts

Your first step in planning the company move is determining or getting access to the facts of the move. You’ll need to know the budget of the move, when the relocation needs to take place, and where it is the company is moving. The owner of the company or your supervisor should be able to supply you with this information, as you’ll need it to plan the move.

  1. Research Moving Companies

do research, 5 steps a plan a moveOnce you have the facts of the move, you can begin researching moving companies that will meet your base criteria and can provide an organized relocation. You can also establish additional criteria that the moving company needs to meet in order to provide an easy move. Move planning and vendor coordination, or the planning of additional moving contributors, may be an additional requirement so that all moving aspects are organized and planned by experts. With their knowledge, commercial moving experts can ensure efficiency and reliability.

During this step, you should also research the reputation of the moving companies you are considering. Look at their website to see what services they offer and look at online reviews to know if people were satisfied with the company’s service.

  1. Planning the Move

Once you have researched the companies and chosen one for your business’s move, you’ll need to inform your supervisor of the plan and inform the chosen moving company about your current and new office. Let the moving company know what items are being moved from your current workspace and where the items are going in the new place.

Some moving companies such as The Quality Group offer a free consultation where they take note of all your equipment and furniture so that they know how to use their resources to better accommodate the business. If your supervisor is expecting to be present for the consultation, be sure to schedule it on a day when they are free. When the consultation is occurring, make sure to show the moving company all the items that will be included in the move so they can plan to work as efficiently as possible.

  1. Inform Employees

Once your supervisor has signed off on the moving plans and finalized dates and times, you’ll need to inform the rest of the company. You will need to make sure all employees know the specifics of the move and what their responsibilities will be. Having a meeting where people can ask questions will allow everyone to voice their concerns and get answers they need. Following up the meeting with reminder emails and information packets will ensure nothing is forgotten as the moving date draws closer.

  1. Inform Clients and Change the Company Address

Your final responsibility before supervising the actual move is informing company clients about the address change and also updating mailing materials. You can meet up with the email marketing team or request the email list from your inform clients and employees, office moving baton rougesupervisor and send out an informative email to all the company’s clients about the upcoming move. Updating social media, sending out letters, and sending out reminder emails will also help ensure clients know about the company move.

You will also need to update the company’s address on any company materials and advertising channels. Brochures, business cards, social media profiles, etc., will need to be changed to reflect the new address of the company. Update the mailing address with the post office as well to prevent confusion and mail mix-ups.

Being put in charge of a company move soon after being hired can be nerve-wracking, but you can successfully organize it by following these five simple steps. For easier and more organized commercial relocations, contact a moving company that provides moving consultations and planning. A commercial relocation company that offers a wide-variety of services will help you successfully plan a move and meet the expectations of your new supervisor.

Work with The Quality Group

At The Quality Group, we’re your commercial relocation specialists. Founded in 1987 in New Orleans, The Quality Group serves the Gulf States with comprehensive commercial moving services from move planning to furniture installation. No other company puts in the time or preparation that we do to make your move stress and hassle-free. The Quality Group operates in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, 

Move Your Office with Professionals

Move Your Office with the Professionals

Here at the Quality Group, we provide you with not only the best moving experience for your office but also with the most skilled and experienced moving team. These specialists will ensure that your move goes smoothly and professionally, allowing you to return back to work as quickly as possible.  As a company, we are proud of each individual we hire and work hard to ensure they are ready to help your business relocate.

 Professional Moving Teams Care About Your Relocation

Our Moving Team

The efficiency and professionalism of your moving process all begins with the quality of the team doing the work. At the Quality Group, we hold every one of our employees to the same high standards as our managers. Each team member including the owners, managers, newest hire, and everyone in between embodies the company values that we pride ourselves on of commitment, credibility, and professionalism.

It is important that you have the highest quality movers to help your business relocate in order to guarantee a safe and efficient transition. We complete a comprehensive training process in order to prepacking boxespare employees for every aspect of the job. After hiring, we train our employees and provide them with the tools and benefits they need to do their job safely and skillfully, creating the best moving team possible.

 What This Means For You

At the Quality Group, our main focus is serving our clients by providing them with a positive moving team and experience. By creating the best moving team possible, our customers receive endless benefits such as little to no downtime, not-to-exceed pricing, and access to all of our resources.

Through our process of screening and training, we create a group of movers that are exceptionally knowledgeable in the field, enhancing the quality of your office setup after a move. Because we care about our employees and because of the full-time benefits given, our employees are more passionate about their job, which means they will care more and do a better job while working on your move.

Our team-oriented atmosphere allows our highly trained professionals to work together in order to relocate your business as quickly and efficiently as possible. We are all in this business for the long haul and are fully committed to giving our clients a positive moving experience, starting with the quality of our moving team.

professionally moved office Relocating your office can be a stressful experience and it’s our mission to make it run as smooth and professionally as possible. Our team of exclusively selected and highly trained and dedicated movers will ensure that you have an organized and successful move, allowing you to focus on your business. Call the Quality Group for the best moving team and experience in town.

Work with The Quality Group

At The Quality Group, we’re your commercial relocation specialists. Founded in 1987 in New Orleans, LA, The Quality Group serves the Gulf States with comprehensive commercial moving services from move planning to furniture installation. No other company puts in the time or preparation that we do to make your move stress and hassle-free.

Hiring a Dependable Moving Company for a Good Price

Dependable Movers, dependable moving company louisiana

Finding a moving service for your company can be a hassle. There are many listings online and they all say they perform the same service. Picking the right one out of all the choices is a little like throwing a dart at a wall and hoping for the best. It doesn’t actually have to be a guessing game though. With some due diligence, you can hire a dependable moving company and still stay on budget. Here are some tips for hiring a dependable and affordable moving company for your business.

Tips for Hiring a Dependable Moving Company at a Good Price

Get a recommendation for dependable moving companies, dependable moving company new orleansAsk for Recommendations

Asking employees, other business owners, and friends about their experience with moving companies can be helpful in finding the right one to facilitate your business move. If the recommendation is positive and from someone you trust, then the likelihood of you also having a positive experience with the same moving company is high.

Poor reviews are also beneficial to you, as it will narrow down your list of potential movers. The recommendations from your friends will give you a good starting point and once you have a list of potential movers you can start to narrow down your options further with more research.

Review the Credentials

Recommendation from a trusted source can mean a lot but it’s always a good idea to do your own due diligence. Check the online reviews of the company to see if the recommendation matches up with the experience of others. Also, ensure the moving company has all required permits and licenses to avoid scams. Another aspect of a dependable moving company is their ability to provide insurance for the move. Check to see if the moving companies you are considering provide insurance.

Get Several Quotes

To find a good price on a moving company, it is important you get several quotes from different movers. Most moving companies have competitive pricing but until you check around and compare for yourself, you’ll never know whether or not you’re getting a good price. Moving companies will also budget your move based on a formula involving the equipment you have and the distance they’ll need to travel with it, among other factors. For this reason, it is important you get a quote from a moving company after they come and assess your office. You’ll be able to get a good idea of your budget with several accurate quotes.

Remember when you are comparing company quotes that you need to compare apples to apples. It’s very easy for a company that is not providing the same resources, insurance coverage, and the number of employees in your move to generate a quote cheaper than others. Always know what is included in your quote and ask about any differences.

Show Them All Your EquipmentShow your moving company all your equipment, commercial moving company louisiana

When the representative from a moving company comes to assess your office for the quote, be sure to show him everything you want moved to the new location. Since movers are going to calculate the price based on your equipment amount and weight, it is crucial that all equipment be processed in the initial quote. Other items tacked on later in the moving process could result in higher moving fees.

Finding a dependable and well-priced moving company to move your office is not impossible. Checking with friends, reading online reviews, and doing your research on potential moving companies will result in you finding the right movers for your business. Good luck with your move and if you have any questions, the Quality group is always glad to help.

Work with The Quality Group

At The Quality Group, we’re your commercial relocation specialists. Founded in 1987 in New Orleans. The Quality Group serves the Gulf States with comprehensive commercial moving services from move planning to furniture installation. No other company puts in the time or preparation that we do to make your move stress and hassle-free. We’re your dependable moving company in Louisiana and Misssippi. 

Storage Units for Moving Offices

Storage Units, storage units for commercial moving

When getting ready to move your business to a new location, it’s important to research storage units to find one that works best for your company, how to pack effectively, and what items should be insured.

Storage Units and You: Finding the Best Options for Moving Your Business

There different types of storage units, Storage Units for Moving OfficesStorage Units:

Deciding what type of storage unit is best for your move comes down to what type of items you’ll be storing. Consider the pros and cons of indoor versus outdoor storage units:

If you will be storing valuable items, personal possessions, furniture, or anything that you’d like to have maximum protection for, an indoor storage unit will be your best option. This type of unit is perfect for protecting your items from water damage, rust, and light. Finding storage units for moving offices is not like renting out a storage unit as an individual. Approaching it that way will cost far too much money.

Keep in mind that temperature control does not mean humidity controlled. If you will be storing artwork, antiques, or other collectibles, it’s best to consider special humidity-protected storage options for those items. Most moving and storage companies partner with third-party vendors, who can ensure your items, especially collectibles, are stored in a proper environment. Discuss your options with the moving company and be aware of any special requests or accommodations that need to be made.

If you need to store vehicles, heavy equipment, machinery, or other bulky items, an outdoor storage unit will do the job. Generally, this is the less expensive option and is better suited for larger items that do not require an indoor setting or temperature-controlled protection. If affordability is your primary concern, an outdoor storage unit may be the right option for you.

Packing Effectively:

To eliminate unwanted moisture that could lead to mold while in outside storage, wipe down the inside of machines that hold water with baking soda. Also, avoid using cardboard boxes for long-term storage unless it is inside a temperature-controlled unit. Cardboard is susceptible to humidity and could also attract unwanted pests to your belongings. Generally, the best storage containers are plastic boxes or totes with tightly secured lids.

When storing items in a unit for long-term storage, will you need to have access to any of those items while they are in storage? If you think you will need to retrieve items from the storage unit, store those items last or consider self-storage.

Moving heavy and cumbersome appliances will sometimes require third-party assistance from experts. It is important to hire a professional to remove any appliances that require disconnecting hoses and sealing gas valves to prevent leaking. For example, refrigerators and dishwashers require emptying water and drain lines and can cause damage to floors during the removal process if not done properly.

As a general rule of thumb, the less you have to pack, the less stress you are likely to endure. Because costs are based on the amount of equipment you have, the best time to organize and decide what items to keep and what items are no longer needed is before the moving truck pulls up.

Get insurance for your moveGetting Insurance:

When considering what items to insure in your storage units, consider the most valuable and irreplaceable items. Any valuables that will be transported or stored for long periods of time stand the possibility of damage and/or devalue. Because there are generally many levels of protection to choose from, it’s best to research all of your options and pick the insurance plan that works for your business. Try to pick an insurance plan that will provide reimbursement if your items are damaged in transportation or storage.

Before the big move, do your research on insuring your equipment, determine the type of storage unit you’ll need, and use these tips to pack effectively so your move will go smoothly and efficiently.

Work With The Quality Group

The Quality Group is your commercial relocation specialists. That’s why we know so much about storage units for moving offices. We were founded in 1987 in New Orleans, but The Quality Group now serves the Gulf States with comprehensive business moving services from move planning to furniture installation. 

Moving Your Business During Winter

Moving in winter, business moving new orleans

Winter is usually a time for holiday parties, cold weather, and warm drinks. In the business world though, work carries on as usual and if a lease is up or expansion comes knocking you may have to relocate no matter the season. When moving during the winter you’ll need to consider a few more factors than if you were moving during a warmer month. For a seamless winter, move keep the following factors in mind.

When Moving Your Business During the Winter, Consider Safety and Comfort.

Office Building TemperaturesKeep the heat on when moving during the winter, Moving Your Business During Winter

Both the office building you are leaving and the one you are relocating to will be prone to chilly temperatures during winter as movers come in and out of the buildings. While you may want to save on the electric bill, you should consider keeping the heat on in both places during moving day. Not only will the movers and your employees appreciate moving furniture, equipment, and personal desk items into a warm environment, but cold sensitive electronics will be better off as well. Turning the heat on even slightly will be beneficial to your office on moving day.

The Weather and Office Equipment

Winter brings unique challenges in the form of unpredictable weather. It could rain, snow, sleet, or hail at any time and unfortunately, your office equipment still needs to go from point A to point B. Plan to cover all walkways movers will need to use to prevent your items from getting damaged. Shovel and salt all pathways to prevent slipping, and ensure your movers wrap all furniture in plastic and utilize plastic tubs instead of cardboard boxes. These precautions will protect your office equipment.

Employee Conditions

Employees will want to bring their own personal desk items to their new offices either on moving day or on the day following. It is important for your employees to know the hazards of moving during winter and what they can do to protect themselves. Advise them to layer up when bringing their items so they can move freely but also stay warm. Have warm drinks available for your employees during the move and have the office set up to provide extra comfort.

Office Supply PrioritiesIcy walk ways can be a hazard when moving your business in winter, winter business moving in new orleans

While your staff may want to organize the closet with the brochures and business cards you have saved up, you should make sure they prioritize supplies that are needed for everyday operations. Set up coffee machines, computers, and phone lines before organizing materials that employees use sparingly. This will ensure your business continues to run smoothly during the winter move and employees have everything they need to work.

Plans and their Execution

Moving during the winter can be problematic due to unforeseen complications. Talk to your landlord or new property owner ahead of time and ask for leeway on move-out and move-in days in case of severe weather. Be sure to listen to your moving company’s advice during travel as they have experience in moving large equipment, furniture, and electronics during the winter months. Also, create a plan B for the company and employees for unforeseen complications so your business is not taken off guard during the move.

Moving your business in the winter can have its own benefits such as choice moving day selections, but it brings complications as well. If you are moving your business to a new location during the winter season, have a plan in mind and entrust your relocation to your trained and experienced moving company. Your new office will be up and running in no time with a moving company dedicated to providing a speedy and safe relocation. Talk to the Quality Group today for a consultation on moving your business during the winter.

The Quality Group

We have specialists who know how to move any kind of business, any time of year, regardless of the details. Whether you’re a 10 person IT company or a 200 person law firm, we’ve got experience with your unique problems. Call us about moving your business, whether it’s winter, spring, summer, or fall.

Benefits of Hiring a Commercial Real Estate Agent

Benefits of hiring a commercial real estate agent

Deciding to buy or rent a piece of commercial property is a big step for your company’s future. You’ll need to make sure you choose the right property for your business and that you’re getting the best deal when it comes to pricing. Having a professional commercial real estate agent can help you navigate through buying or renting property for your business. There are several positive benefits in hiring a commercial real estate agent when making this important company decision.

Hiring a Commercial Real Estate Agent is Beneficial for a Move

Time Dedication

As a business owner, you have limited time to spend on matters outside of business operations. Having to spend your free time sifting through listings of potential company buildings is probably not the best use of your limited time. Instead, a commercial real estate agent can provide this service for you and show you only the best options for your company’s needs. This will save you time by allowing someone who specializes in finding exactly what you need to do so on a daily basis until the need is met.

Commercial real estate agents take approved classes by the Louisiana Real Estate CommisionIndustry Knowledge

Real estate agents know their industry inside and out. Not only do they take classes approved by the Louisiana Real Estate Commission, but are also licensed and affiliated with a real estate broker. On top of that, they keep up with the current market and news of the area. That means they’ll know the area where you’ll be looking, the prices of the properties selling in that area or comparable building prices, and what is available on the market. Real estate agents also know many industry-specific resources to check when looking for property for a client.

City Zoning Familiarity 

Your business is unique but unfortunately, the city confines your business into one of several coding zones when you are dealing with property. Your real estate agent will know each property’s zone and about the paperwork that comes with the building zone. You won’t end up with a piece of property you can’t use for your business when you hire a commercial real estate agent who makes a point of knowing city zoning codes.

Negotiation ExpertiseCommercial real estate agents can negotiate property prices

Commercial real estate agents are professionals who know the workings of negotiations when dealing with property. They know the hidden clauses and can sift through the entire document, which can be several stacks of paper tall. Agents can also fight for your case in negotiations, pointing out problems that need to be addressed or that aren’t in your favor. Your agent can negotiate for you in a professional manner that will give you full advantage of the situation.

Professionals Suggestions

Commercial real estate agents can also suggest other professionals you’ll need for the process of buying property. Due to commercial property not having the same consumer protection laws as residential property, having suggestions for people who can help you will be useful. Your real estate agent can save you some potential problems and money by providing suggestions for other professionals that will help provide due diligence on the property. Proposals will be made for those who can perform title checks, environmental hazards investigations, property line identification, and more.

Hiring a commercial real estate agent when you are searching for business property can help your moving experience go smoothly. With the knowledge they possess, the time they can dedicate, and the familiarity they have with the city and other professionals, they will steer you in the right direction and help you find the perfect property for your company.

Work with The Quality Group

At The Quality Group, we’re your commercial relocation specialists. Founded in 1987 in New Orleans, LA, The Quality Group serves the Gulf States with comprehensive commercial moving services from move planning to furniture installation. No other company puts in the time or preparation that we do to make your move stress and hassle-free.

Post-Move Checklist for Your Company

Post-Move Checklist, checklist after your move your business, business moving baton rouge

Moving to a new office can be a positive sign that your business is growing. All the time spent planning and preparing for the move can be overwhelming but moving to a new location where your company can continue to grow and thrive makes it all worth it in the end. Even after the move is complete, there are still many things to do, especially the couple days directly following the relocation. Make sure you have everything covered for your business with this moving checklist so everything runs smoothly after the move. You’ll need a post-move checklist for your company, or you’ll run into all sorts of preventable problems!

Follow this Post-Move Checklist to Avoid Future Problems with Clients and Associates

Distribute Employee Packets

Making sure your employees can access the new office should be at the top of your moving list. Distribute the moving packets to your employees the day of the move with their new passcodes, keycards, desk locations, and parking spots so they have easy access on the first day.

Check Equipment

Directly following a move, assign the task of checking all equipment to your IT department. Include all electronics in the check such as computers, printers, phones, and projectors. Check any other specialty equipment to guarantee that it is working properly. You don’t want to have a client in your office a week after the move and have a technical malfunction occur in the middle of the meeting.

Remove Unnecessary Furniture and Equipment

After the office is arranged for optimal efficiency, you can arrange to have any excess furniture and equipment removed, including furniture from your previous office that doesn’t work with the new furniture. To avoid having any unneeded equipment, you can store, donate, sell, or throw away any excess. You’ll want to do this relatively soon after you move so the office is not crowded and uncomfortable.

Update MaterialsUpdate website information after your move, Post-Move Checklist for Your Company

Double-checking all business materials with the company’s contact information is one of the most important assignments to perform after a move. Do not leave any platform untouched because you don’t want to confuse your clients or customers. Change the contact information on your website and social media accounts, print new brochures and fliers, and reorder all your business cards for consistency.

Know the Area

Mapping out the new area will be critical when making appointments with associates and clients. Knowing traffic conditions, back roads, and transit options will be the difference between being on time for a meeting and not. You can also get a list of appropriate business lunch locations and their busy hours for future reference.

Contact Associates and Clients

Send out a reminder to all your clients and associates about your new location within a few days of the company’s move to prevent future confusion. Contact your clients, the cleaning company, your delivery company, and the USPS. You can confirm that they have your new address so meetings, services, and deliveries still happen and arrive on time.

File any Complaints

Once everything is unpacked and assessed you’ll need to file any complaints and insurance claims with the moving company if any equipment was damaged. If you notice something damaged, it is important to address it immediately to ensure accurate reports and claims.

Leave a Review

Leaving a review of the moving company can wait until a few days after the move. But, it should be done before the week is out. This is another place you can express your concerns and questions with the service. It can also help others make a decision about the company if you had a good experience.

Post-Move Checklist PDF Printout

After you move into the new office, don’t just relax or get back to your normal routine as soon as possible. Make sure you’ve covered your bases. To avoid problems in the future, however, you should keep everything in order. Tell everyone associated with your company where you are, and update all materials. Run through this checklist after your relocation to ensure your business runs smoothly going forward.

Let The Quality Group Take Care of the Move

At The Quality Group, we’re your commercial relocation specialists. We’ve been in operation for more than 30 years, starting in New Orleans. We offer comprehensive business moving services from move planning to furniture installation. And, we want to ensure that you’re post-move goes just as well as your move. We’ll handle the move and even advise on the post-move checklist for your business!


Why You Should Review Your Moving Company Online

Moving your company takes a lot of organization, logistics, and time. Having a professional moving company that can manage your move well is a huge help and relieves much of the pressure and stress from you and your employees. After a pleasant experience with an efficient moving company, you’ll be amazed at the lack of downtime and hiccups in your business processes. This amazement can sometimes be a fleeting thought before you’re ready to devote all of your attention once again on business operations, but there are several reasons to keep your eye on the moving company just a little longer. From expressing support or concerns to helping a local business, taking an extra five minutes to review your moving company online can make a world of difference to many people.

Reasons to Review Your Moving Company Online

Express Any Support or Concerns

Leaving an online review gives you the option to express any support or concern over the services you received and possibly even have them addressed. Moving companies, like all businesses, don’t want their clients to be unhappy. When companies discover that a client or customer had a poor experience, they are sure to do their best to correct the problem. Providing an online review gives the moving company an opportunity to apologize for any inconvenience that occurred to you or explain the reasoning behind their choices. This way the moving company will be able to see and make an effort to correct a problem for you and future clients.

If you really liked the way a moving company performed part of the service or handled a situation that arose, post a review about it online. The moving company will be grateful for your feedback because it will help them to continue providing excellent service. Running a business yourself, you are sure to know the happiness it brings to you and your employees when a customer is satisfied. Your moving company will be glad to see you’re happy with the services and be able to pass on the positivity.

Help Others Make Decisions

According to BrightLocal, 92 percent of people read online reviews and use them to help make decisions about whether or not they want to do business with a company. With that in mind, you can help other people looking for a good moving company make a decision about whether or not to use the one you used. Whether you had a good experience or a bad experience with your moving company, relaying it in an online review can help make or break someone else’s experience when moving. Your review can be the linchpin review that helps someone make a decision on a big choice.

Your\ can answer questions when you review your moving company online. Answer Questions

Reviewing your moving company online can help answer questions many others have about the moving process or that particular moving company. When you were in the process of picking a moving company yourself, you probably had your own questions and performed research to find the information you needed. You may have looked on their website, on Google, and even on their social media pages to find the information. Each platform undoubtedly had information from others about the moving company, their process, and the how they perform their services. You can be a part of providing information to others and help answer the less obvious questions that arise when a company wants to relocate.

Help Local Business

Due to many people making decisions about a company based on online reviews, reviewing your local moving company online can support the business and the local community. When you have a good experience with a local company and share it with others, you are allowing them to have a good experience while also supporting someone in your community and their business. Posting an online review about your moving company can go a long way in the local business world.

Reviewing your moving company online has many benefits to you, the movers, and others looking to relocate their business. It can help provide good business, stress-free moves, and healthy business relationships.


Work with The Quality Group

At The Quality Group, we’re your commercial relocation specialists. Founded in 1987 in New Orleans, LA, The Quality Group serves the Gulf States with comprehensive commercial moving services from move planning to furniture installation. No other company puts in the time or preparation that we do to make your move stress and hassle-free.